Address: City, State/Province, Country, Zip/Postal Code *
Home Phone Number, Work Phone and Mobile Phone Numbers: *
When is the best time to reach you? Where? *
List the ages and occupations of the people living in your household: *
Any person in the home allergic to any kind of pets? *
Why are you interested in getting a Maine Coon? (List as many reasons as applies): *
Are you interested in a male, female, or no preference? *
Describe any additional requirements you have in a Maine Coon cat. *
Are you getting this Maine Coon for yourself, or as a gift for someone else? *
Who will be the primary caretaker of this cat? *
Will the cat be: indoors only, indoors/outdoors? *
Have you owned a Maine Coon before? If so where/whom did you get your cat from. What happened to the cat? *
Do you have cats currently? What breed? How old? Are they altered? are they de-clawed? Are they in good health? *
What kind of cat food do you feed? Are they current with their vaccinations? Are they indoor only? indoor/outdoor? outdoor only? *
Have you contacted other Maine Coon breeders? If so, who? *
Do you presently own other animals? If so how many? What are they? *
Does your home have screens on all doors and windows? If not, how do you ventilate your home during the warm summer months? *
If renting, does your landlord or homeowners association allow pets? *
Do you currently have a veterinarian? If so, give us the name and telephone number. *
How did you hear about us? referred by someone (who?). *
Feel free to add any other comments that you'd like to share about yourself and or why you think you could provide the ideal home for one (or more) of out kittens *